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rangifer’s diary: pt. cxvii

I’m not doing all that great. Can you tell?

Foremost, I want simply to apologise. In many ways, my barely-animated corpse is so surgically welded to The Game Where You Hit Snails™[1] that people get — understandably — very concerned when I don’t log in for a while. Moreover, when I’m generally in a kind of way where it’s difficult for me to get out of bed, do (I)ADLs, etc., I can be somewhat difficult to establish contact with.

Granted, I do have email access on my phone, but like, who tf uses email?? Who am I, grandma???[2]

So if I upset or worried anyone by mysteriously vanishing from the virtual face of the virtual Earth, I am sorry. 💔 I’m trying harder now to not simply disappear, even if that means takin’ it real easy. 🙂

I must apologise yet more deeply to the group hosted by Ramon (xBowtjuhNL, BuccjuhNL, PriestjuhNL) & Milky (Nonon, Ettyne, Lorenae), who graciously took me as a regular member of their Pink Bean expeditions. I really should have known better than to try to run anything — let alone the almighty Bean — on a regularly-scheduled basis (especially given my initial experiences).

I don’t really like talking about my personal issues in detail, & so, even though I’ve actually brought some of them up in recent diary entries, it has been mostly obliquely or through coded metaphors & the like (& even then, only very incompletely). This isn’t necessarily because I’m particularly ashamed or bashful, but more because I think that it’s just boring & uninteresting, & I don’t want to sound like a princess.

Maybe that’s excessively stubborn. I don’t know. All that you need to know is that I don’t want to disappear any more than you want me to[3]. MapleStory has been nigh on the only place where I can have (hopefully…) friendly & meaningful interactions & relationships with other people.

Is that… sad? I mean, sure. But I’m trying my best out here! If you wanna talk to me about whatever I might be interested in — which turns out to be a rather bizarrely diverse set of things, sometimes — even if it’s not specifically Maple, HMU![2][3] And heck, I just might even have the motivation to log in to the damned Maple story if I get an invitation to do so. 😊

With unbounded love, xoxoxo, yours truly
― deer. 🧡


  1. [↑] Although I have certainly opined on MapleStory numerous times in past diary entries, look forward to the next entry or two, where I will be taking a slightly different (& hopefully more digestible?) approach.

  2. [↑] Feel more than free to email me any time at: capreolina [the “at sign” goes here] protonmail [the “full stop” goes here] ch. I write my email in this dumb way because I keep getting German scam emails. They were funny at first, but I’m a little over it. I promise I’m not actually grandma, & I will not send you chain letters, nor accidentally send you my shopping list.

    My contact page is still there, which contains my matrix address as well: Matrix is easy to use on my crappy phone since any ol’ client will do the trick. Discord®, not so much. Not really tryna get banned from Discord®™ (again LOL).

  3. [↑] Unless you’re hate-reading this right now, in which case: 💋 muah. Luv u anyway. Hah!